Je suis fière d'avoir participé pendant le mois de janvier au défi 30 peintures en 30 jours de Leslie Saeta.
J'ai commencé quelques jours en retard mais j'ai été assidue dès le début! Et j'ai maintenant 28 peintures de plus!
Tout d'abord, il a fallu que je crée un blogue. Comme je ne savais trop comment procéder, j'ai fonctionné par essais et erreurs pour finalement obtenir une présentation simple qui me plaisait et qui serait agréable à mes lecteurs potentiels.
Merci à vous tous qui m'avez encouragée pendant ce mois de création.
Voici mon bilan de ce mois intensif de création :
- Discipline et constance
- Humilité : acceptation des hauts et des bas
- Une constatation: plus on crée, plus les idées viennent et la technique s’améliore graduellement. Le Voir aussi ...
- Importance d'être bien organisée (avoir le matériel nécessaire, un atelier adéquat, les sujets déjà choisis)
- Apprentissage et pratique de techniques variées
- Découverte de ce qui me plait davantage : techniques et sujets
- Nécessité de planifier ce que je ferai de mes peintures: les donner, les vendre, les ranger ?
Peindre de façon aussi intensive et exposer ses œuvres sur un blogue est un bon moyen d’étudier la réaction des gens face aux sujets et techniques utilisées en vue
de ventes éventuelles.
J'ai déjà hâte au prochain défi !
Hi Martine! Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog - thought I would check your collage and works posted on YOURS. Very nicely done! Love all the colorful painting you have done! Was fun - see you on the next go round!
RépondreEffacerThank you, Pattie, for your visit and kind comment!
EffacerThank you for visiting my blog. It is quite a great feeling to accomplish something like this, isn't it? You did a great job, very nice work!
RépondreEffacerThank you for your visit Susan. I enjoyed doing this challenge and hope to do another one soon...
EffacerOh, wow, I just realized that in the next few days you will be celebrating the one month birthday for your blog. Way to go. Paint on...
RépondreEffacerThank you Bruce! Yes, my blog is a little baby....I am quite happy with the result: showing my painting and encountering very nice people enjoying doing Art just like I do...
EffacerHI Martine - I don't speak french, but I cleverly translated in Google Translate! Ah-ha!
RépondreEffacerThank you for your lovely comments on my blog.
Your paintings are lovely and I'm tremendously impressed that you put together the blog THIS MONTH and jumped right in! 28 paintings is absolutely tremendous! During last September's challenge I was only able to get 25 done.
You will find a place to store the paintings - and you can always sell - I sell on Etsy & I know others have success on Ebay. BUT with 28 paintings, you can nearly have a private show too! Leslie had some terrific suggestions for that in her blog (look at May of 2013). There was also at least one episode of Artists Helping Artists that pertained to marketing and what to do with all those paintings!
Best of luck to you and Keep Up the Great Work!
Thank you for your visit and suggestions, Susan.
EffacerSelling my work will be the next step! A very big step for me...
Wow! What a gorgeous collection of color and art here! Love it Congratulations to you as well!!!
RépondreEffacerThank you Srishti.
EffacerI wish I knew how to use Google Translate! But the visual language of your collage truly says it all. What a wonderful bouquet of color and delight. Congratulations, Martine, and hope we stay in touch through our blogs beyond the challenge...
RépondreEffacerThank you for your visit and kind comments, Meredith. I will look at your blog for sure...
EffacerBy the way, I should translate my text in English but, I am a bit lazy.
Your paintings are so beautiful!!! What a great collection of paintings. Congratulations on your 30 Day Challenge and new blog!
RépondreEffacerThank you for your visit and kind comment, Judy.
EffacerTu as fait un travail formidable Martine, Et dire que tu n'avais pas de blog !... Bravo et continue de nous surprendre! Bisous
RépondreEffacerMerci Helen, j'ai hâte de voir ta prochaine œuvre! Îl semble y avoir un beau groupe d'artistes à Beloeil...
Effacerso many lovely paintings! congratulations
RépondreEffacerThank you Celeste! I learned about Leslie's challenge while consulting your blog a long time ago. I so much like your blog and your paintings.
EffacerA great collection of paintings Martine. Really nice work. Congratulations on completing the challenge.
RépondreEffacerThank you for your visit and comment.
EffacerCongratulations on a new blog and completing the challenge! Your work is fresh and will surely find good homes! Keep painting and blogging and I look forward to where you go next.
RépondreEffacerThank you, Anne, for your visit and so kind support!
EffacerBon Jour Martine! Congratulations on your 28 paintings! January was such a fun month, and it was so nice to know there were artists all over the world, trying their best to paint all month long! We learned so much, didn't we??? And yes, I agree with Susan, Etsy is a great place to show your paintings, also I wish you success!
RépondreEffacerThank you, Lucy, for your kind words and suggestions. By the way, I am very impressed by your collage journal.
EffacerHi Martine - Thank you for the visit and nice comment on my blog. Congratulations on getting through the 30 in 30 challenge with some lovely work!
RépondreEffacerThank you for your visit and kind comment, Evelyn!