aquarelle et encre
sur papier New Soho Series (7" X 10")
Il neige et vente aujourd'hui. Blanc et gris...
Besoin de couleurs, d'énergie.
Voici de jolis coquelicots pour réchauffer un jour bien maussade.
Cette aquarelle fait partie du défi 30 peintures en 30 jours.
Your colorful painting has me dreaming of spring!
RépondreEffacerThank you for your visit, Jane!
EffacerSuch a happy painting. The colors really brightened my day!
RépondreEffacerThank you for your visit and kind words, Pam !
EffacerBrightening Up the Day
RépondreEffacerPoppy blooms
very well red,
looking up to the sky.
Poppies past,
black curled 'dos,
talking to each other.
Squiggle lines
lush in colors
with deft brush strokes, so fine.
Water in
colors pick
up a gray winter day.
What beautiful words ... Thank you Bruce