Une mini papaya (27-10-12)
Acrylique sur toile 10" X 12"
Voici une mini papaye dessinée et peinte il y a quelques années. Un fruit du Sud aux couleurs éclatantes et aux formes harmonieuses.
Mini papaya - Collage (16-10-12)
Encre & aquarelle, tombow et lavis ou encre seulement
sur différents papiers (Bristol, Handbook journal ou Q sketchbook)
You have such a gift, Martine. I just love your illustrations!!
RépondreEffacerThank you Chris! You are so kind... I am just exploring and happy to discover interesting things along the road...
EffacerWhat lovely sketches, Martine. I've been toying with the idea of getting a Handbook journal but I can't decide between that or a Stillman & Birn. Anyway, your work continues to inspire me.
The Handbook journal is very well done and the paper in the watercolor one is very good and strong. However, I don't like the creamy-yellow paper in the regular Handbook journal.
EffacerStillman & Birn offers different papers in white and ivory for ink and watercolor and they have a great choice of formats!