Prunes 3
graphite et aquarelle
sur papier Fluid, 300gsm 6" X 8"
La série des prunes se terminent. Quels beaux et "bons" modèles...
Ma panique s'est estompée un peu et maintenant, j'envisage les prochains jours du défi 30 peintures en 30 jours de Leslie Saeta de façon plus sereine.
Après tout, je dessine ou peins tous les jours.
On Painting Plums
RépondreEffacerDid a great painter
once say, "You are what
you paint," or not. Hmm,
two more plums and you'll
be what you paint and
thank goodness we'll still
have your art...and you.
Thank you for this so funny comment, Bruce!
EffacerYour wonderful plums will be missed. You are off to a great start with the challenge, Martine!
RépondreEffacerThan you Chris. I wonder where this challenge will take me.... ;-)
EffacerAgain - lovely colors and composition!
RépondreEffacerSuch lovely skins, wonderful!
RépondreEffacerAnd they were so good...;-)
EffacerLOVE this one! Good Luck this month = )
RépondreEffacerThank you Sue !
EffacerI love all your prunes paintings, the colours are so beautiful and deep! And of course you could not resist eating them, they look delicious!
RépondreEffacerTnak you Judy for your visit and kind comment !